Real World Experience +


Optician of 14 years turned programmer, I have worked in all areas of both large and small businesses.

This has given me the knowledge of how the real world works dealing with clients, managers, and the people under me. Using that real word commonsense and my growing knowledge of programming, I want your company and I to grow together.

Let's work together.
My Photo


Communication Skills
Web Scraping
Strategy Games
Git / Version Control


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Eyeglass Sales Project
Eyewear Sales Website:

This app uses Flask for the backend and is attached to a PostgreSQL database. Using an algorithm to generate fake patients and sales, it then plots those patients on a map to see patterns. It also uses machine learning to sort patients into how much money they might spend, letting the staff know which patients should have the highest priority. It is hosted online and will refresh itself nightly to keep its data current.

Skills Used:

Backend: Python, Scikit-Learn, PostgreSQL

Frontend: Flask Web Framework, Bootstrap

Click to view working sample.

Notes Full Stack
Notes App Full Stack:

This app showcases a sample of full stack development. Using Django as a backend, I used the rest-api and knox to provide an API requiring authentication. Then connected a react front end with Redux for state management and styled with JSS and Material-UI and Framer Motion components to provide a stylish front end for the app. Simple note taking app that you can make an account, save notes to a database and even persist login over browser refreshes.

Skills Used:

Backend: Python, Django, Rest-Framework, Django-Rest-Knox

Frontend: Javascript, React, Redux, Material-UI, Framer Motion

Click to view working sample.

React API Project
React Star Wars API:

This app is built using React to represent an interactive front-end to an api full of Star Wars data. It can tell when an item should be a hyperlink and allows you to jump between entries.

Skills Used:


Frontend: React, Bootstrap

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Linux Server
Linux Server Control:

I have learned the skills to set up and launch multiple web apps on a linux server. I learned how to set up the correct safety precautions such as firewall and SSH only access. Through this server I have successfully launched all the web apps features, which include a python and react app in full production build. I have also set up a cron job for the python app to keep it updated.

Skills Used:

Backend: Ubuntu 18.04, UFW, SSH Keys and Git to keep apps updated.

Launched Apps: Python (Flask), React, Standard HTML

Python, SQL
Django, React
Javascript, React
Linux, Git


If you have any questions, please let me know!

Reach out to me and lets make each other better.